Supply Chain
At Chori, we strive to develop a supply chain that ensures the stable supply of raw materials and products that are of consistently high quality and deemed essential by customers.
CSR-Based Procurement
- Operational Rules Regarding CSR-Based Procurement
- In order to fulfill its social responsibilities for procurement activities in Japan and overseas, Chori has established its CSR Procurement Guidelines and promotes procurement activities that underline the importance of corporate ethics, legal compliance, safety, disaster prevention, environmental protection, product safety, quality assurance, human rights, and working conditions. Within these guidelines, the Company has prescribed its 11 Guidelines for Corporate Behavior in order to ensure that employees are fully aware of its social mission and the ways in which they must act at all times.
- CSR-Based Procurement Surveys
- To promote procurement activities that focus on corporate ethics, legal compliance, safety, disaster prevention, environmental protection, product safety, quality assurance, human rights, and working conditions, Chori conducts a CSR-based procurement survey once every two years, in principle, to periodically check the status of the CSR-based promotion activities of each supplier. In the fiscal 2023 survey, we received responses from 90% of companies in Japan and overseas that participated. Of these companies, 1.5% responded that suppliers did not meet the CSR-based procurement standards. Therefore, we will work with the sales departments to monitor the non-conforming items more closely and seek improvement as necessary.
The Chori Group Human Rights Policy
As a global company, the Chori Group recognizes and respects the different values and cultures of people around the world. In addition to complying with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which we operate, we strive to fulfill our responsibility to respect the rights of all stakeholders by supporting and respecting international norms, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Bill of Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
- 1We shall respect the fundamental rights of each employee and not tolerate, under any circumstance, unfair discrimination based on nationality, race, religion, gender, age, disability, or any other attribute, nor harassment or other acts of behavior that bring harm to others. Moreover, we shall not engage in child labor, forced labor, or unfair low-wage labor.
- 2We shall aim to promote respect for human rights throughout the supply chains of our business by promoting CSR procurement. Furthermore, we shall not engage in human rights violations of any kind.
- 3We shall strive to identify the negative impacts of our business on human rights and not only mitigate such impacts but do everything in our power to prevent them.
- 4We shall take prompt and appropriate measures, including remedial action, in the event that we cause or contribute to negative impacts on human rights.
- 5We shall promote awareness of human rights issues among our employees and provide opportunities for further education in this regard to ensure proper understanding of all matters involving human rights.
Security Trade Control
With the objective of maintaining peace and security around the world, Chori has formulated its Internal Regulations on Compliance with Export-Related Regulations and Regulations on Fair Reporting and Management of Imports and Exports. We undertake strict export controls to prevent countries in possession of weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons from getting access to the highly sophisticated equipment and technology of developed countries.
- Export Control Process and Training
Once applications for list control and catch-all control are filed by Chori’s Sales Department, the Corporate Management Department conducts final approval. In October 2020, we began implementing a system that integrates the management of information on export products and transactions, ensuring rigorous security trade control and stronger compliance measures. This system is also designed to improve work efficiency and eliminate the use of paper. In addition, Chori encourages its employees to obtain the STC Associate certificate and holds internal workshops and training sessions to enhance their understanding of export control. In fiscal 2023, 32 employees acquired the STC Associate certificate.
Product Safety Initiatives
In accordance with product safety management regulations, Chori establishes a product safety inspection committee whenever a product is launched, sold, or used externally for the first time.