President’s Message

My name is Tatsuyuki Sakoda, and I was appointed president on June 18, 2024.
In fiscal 2023, the first year of our medium-term management plan, Chori Innovation Plan 2025, we exceeded our profit targets, achieving our highest results for ordinary profit, net profit before income taxes, and net profit attributable to owners of parent for the third consecutive year. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for your continued support.
In fiscal 2024, we are steadily implementing our basic strategies for achieving Chori Innovation Plan 2025. In April 2024, we established the Sustainability Promotion Committee, identified material issues, and formulated sustainability-related policies. The Chori Group will advance even further in its efforts to realize a sustainable society and enhance corporate value over the medium to long term.
Although the Chori Group may appear to be relatively new in some respects due to the establishment of its current management structure and corporate philosophy after the launch of its Reborn Management Plan in 2003, it has built a track record of over 160 years since its founding as a raw silk wholesaler in the Nishijin district of Kyoto, Japan, in 1861.
As a multifaceted specialized trading company, the Chori Group boasts exceptional levels of functionality and expertise and has developed a global network consisting of 31 subsidiaries and representative offices in China, the ASEAN region, and other areas overseas, which it continues to expand. Based on the belief that our more than 160-year history is the very essence of our sustainability as a company, we will remain committed to achieving sustainable growth and enhancing corporate value so that, in keeping with our corporate slogan of “Making your dreams come true,” we continue to fulfill the dreams and expectations of all our stakeholders.
I would sincerely appreciate your continued support going forward.
June, 2024
Tatsuyuki Sakoda
President, CEO & COO