Occupational Safety Management

At Chori, we understand the significance of minimizing risks in the workplace environment and ensuring the safety of our employees. With this in mind, we devised a business continuity plan and instituted a safety management system for our employees overseas.

Ensuring of the Safety of Our Employees Overseas

In the event of a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, whether in Japan or overseas, we must be fully prepared to immediately identify the whereabouts of our directors and employees, confirm their safety, and respond appropriately in a timely manner. Chori has in place a proprietary system dubbed Overseas Business Trip Inquiry (OBTI), which manages the overseas business trips of domestic employees as well as the business trips of employees dispatched abroad and of the employees of overseas offices and helps to identify the location of each employee at a particular point in time.
Employees dispatched overseas and their families as well as employees on business trips outside of Japan are also enrolled in
Chori’s overseas healthcare support program, which provides medical assistance in Japanese in the event of an accident or illness while abroad. The program helps to minimize employee concerns regarding healthcare overseas due to its differences from Japan.

Business Continuity Plan

Chori’s business continuity plan has been designed to place the utmost priority on the safety of its directors and employees and to enable the swift recovery of business operations after serious disasters. We have implemented a safety confirmation system, which verifies the safety of all directors and employees and their families in a timely manner, and we examine the system regularly. A business continuity plan training course is also held once a year, ensuring that we are fully prepared in the event of an emergency.
Chori’s business continuity plan manual calls for a swift recovery of business operations by the sales divisions. For the corporate divisions, we have established a core operations manual to maintain systems, finances, and other basic business functions. Moreover, we have established a response headquarters and operational procedures in preparation for major disasters and pandemics.

Safety and Health Management

Each month, a Safety and Health Committee member visits our head offices in Tokyo and Osaka to assess the workplace environment. Comprising employees of the Human Resources & General Affairs Department, nurses of our in-house health clinics, and representatives from the Chori Labor Union, the Safety and Health Committee ensures a safe workplace environment for all of our employees through the regular monitoring of humidity, temperature, and CO2 concentration levels by the floor patrol officer.
Moreover, our Tokyo and Osaka head offices, Hokuriku Branch, and Okayama Liaison Office operate in compliance with the Building Sanitation Law of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, with the facilities constantly ventilated at a rate of 30 m3/h or more per person.