Employee development

As globalization continues to spread at a rapid rate, employees will be expected to utilize their full capabilities. We cultivate our employees to be able to respond quickly to changes, to think and act on their own will with a sense of curiosity and a broad perspective, and to become an integral part of carrying the Group forward into the future.

Personnel We Seek
  1. 1Always act responsibly as a member of Chori and keep the Company charter close to their heart
  2. 2Have a spirit of independence
  3. 3Constantly work hard and come up with creative ideas as results-focused professionals
  4. 4Expect the best and prepare for the worst
  5. 5Respect the values and cultures of people from around the world

New Employee Training

Upon joining the Company, new employees receive orientation to acquire the basic knowledge and proper etiquette to become a responsible working adult and attend 30 lecture sessions and take certification exams twice a year. New employee training was held online once again in fiscal 2022.

Career Development Support

At Chori, we hold level-specific training for directors and employees, invite instructors from outside of the Company, and conduct lectures led by our employees. Moreover, in fiscal 2022, these programs were once again held through online venues and the use of video. Moreover, to speed up the pace of globalization, we will capitalize on our system for dispatching trainees overseas while continuing to conduct our in-house training program.

Groupwide Training System

A Company That Will Continue to Nurture and Utilize Its Employees.

Over its more than 160 years in business, Chori has faced a number of challenges amid some turbulent times. Through it all, what enabled Chori to overcome such challenges was its employees. As a trading company, Chori’s most valuable management resource is not its products but rather its employees—a competitive strength of the Company that has endured years of adversity. The willingness to boldly take on challenges is a part of the DNA that Chori has carefully cultivated over the years. “Utilize people, and be useful to them. Nurture people, and develop with them,” which comprises a part of our policy for human resources, tells the tale of Chori, a company that will continue to nurture and utilize its employees.
Meanwhile, since 2003 Chori has continued to transform and grow as a company in accordance with the needs of the times. Based on the theme of establishing various foundations to further evolve our business, in Chori Innovation Plan 2025 we declared "improve employee engagement" as one of our top priorities for developing human resources, given the importance of growing together with our employees in today’s age. Unlike the approaches we have taken in the past, in order for the Company and its employees to continue to truly grow together, we must align our vectors by facing the same direction and pursuing the same goals, and the Company must be fully committed to ensuring that its employees feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness throughout this process of mutual growth.
Through this transformation and growth, Chori will advance together with its employees to its next stage as a company.

Deputy General Manager of Corporate Planning Division (Human Resources & General Affairs Department and Information System Department), and General Manager of CHORI Innovation Activities of the Company
Satoko Nakayama