Social Contribution Activities

Chori Group CSR Activity Policy

Under the corporate slogan "(We are) making your dreams come true," Chori has three priority areas: consideration and protection of the environment, contribution to local communities, and educating and nurturing children (the next generation). Through our business activities and social contribution activities, we will conduct activities that lead to the future of our stakeholders.

1. Environmental considerations and protection

To protect the future of our stakeholders, we will engage in activities that contribute to a carbon-free society and environmental protection.

2. Contributions to local communities

To create the future of local communities, we will engage in activities that contribute to the development of local communities where we conduct business.

3. Educating and nurturing the next generation

To enrich the future on the next generation, we will engage in activities that contribute to the challenge of young people's dreams.


IR Presentation Contest for University Students

Chori was a sponsor of the 7th IR Presentation Contest for University Students held on February 17, 2023.
This contest is held by the Union of Student Investment Clubs (USIC), a cross-university organization that aims to improve the financial literacy of students. Thirteen teams representing investment clubs of universities affiliated with USIC conduct 10-minute presentations based on their respective reports and research on a listed company, whom they are assigned to at random. Each team presents the strengths of their company and the risks it faces by acting as IR representatives, which are evaluated by two judges to determine the participant’s ranking.
Chori was represented by Seinan Investment, an investment club of Seinan Gakuin University (Fukuoka City), which won the Special Jury Award.

Kohoku Fureai Street Dance Festival

On October 16, 2022, we participated in the Kohoku Fureai Street Dance Festival held at TRESSA Yokohama, a retail facility in Kohoku Ward, Yokohama. Under the theme of “a variety of flavors, all different, all good,” the event involves dance competitions for preschoolers through to junior high school students.
Nearly 700 children—comprising 72 teams in total—showed off their dancing skills and took part in solo dance battles. Chori’s mascot, Chori-kun, livened up the event by dancing with members of “JADE,” Keio University’s dance club.


United Nations World Food Programme Until 2019, Chori sponsored WFP Walk the World, a charity walk event organized by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), in which a number of employees and their family members volunteered each year. Unfortunately, the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult to continue holding the event, encouraging us instead to hold our own charity walk event, CHOI ARUKI, from April 2022. As part of holding this event, we utilized an internal walking app, keeping track of the number of steps taken together by each department and the Group as a whole, and donated funds in the amount equivalent to the number of participants who achieved a certain number of steps within a specific amount of time. The event, which aims to promote healthier lifestyles for employees of both Chori and its domestic subsidiaries and contribute to the betterment of society, attracted a record-high 260 participants in April 2022.


Contributing to Nakanoshima Children’s Book Forest

©Shunsuke Ito

Osaka-born architect Tadao Ando donated a building of his own design to the City of Osaka to establish Nakanoshima Children’s Book Forest as a cultural facility that nurtures children’s abundant ability for creation through exposure to books, the arts, and culture. Chori donated to the cause in support of its founding wish to convey the joy of reading to as many children as possible and have them fall in love with books.

For further details, please see the link below. (Advance reservation is required for entry to the facility.)

Support Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Chori delivered relief supplies to medical institutions, such as masks and protective clothing that were stockpiled as a radiation countermeasure at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake.


Support in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake

We have held kurizome (plant dyeing) events using Natural Dye and made various donations to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Please see the following page for further details.

Japan Dance Competition

Special sponsor of the Japan Dance Competition, which is supported by the Japan Sports Agency

On June 23, 2019, the 7th Japan Dance Competition—supported by the Japan Sports Agency—was held at Culttz Kawasaki, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Kyoto Bunkyo Senior High School won the competition for the second time after first winning it over four years ago, for which they received the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology cup. Representing high schools from all over Japan, the 47 teams who made it through the preliminary rounds took part in a heated competition to determine the best team in the country, with approximately 2,000 spectators in attendance. The competition—the first of the Reiwa Era—was a great success. This nationwide educational dance competition is based on the idea that dance is a lifelong educational pursuit. As well as joining the contest to determine the best team in Japan, the dance teams are also invited to participate in an exhibition of Japan’s top-level dance teams of various genres and ages. The participating high school students not only perform their own dances but also can watch and learn from other teams’ performances. Chori strongly endorses the purpose of this dance competition, and as part of its CSR activities, it has been a special sponsor of the event since it was first held.

This event is a nationwide educational dance competition that views dance as a lifelong education. The competition selects the highest rated high school club teams in Japan, who compete to determine the best team, and invites dance teams from a variety of dance styles and age groups to participate in Japan’s top-level exhibition. These high school students not only present their own dances but also have the opportunity to watch and learn from the performances of other teams. Chori strongly endorses the purpose of this competition and, as a part of its CSR activities, has served as a special sponsor of the event since its inaugural year.

Our corporate slogan, “Making your dreams come true,” is also the competition’s tagline. Through these activities, we will continue to support the healthy development of young people and contribute to a society full of rich communication where fun and joy are shared.

Special sponsor of the 1st to 7th Japan Dance competitions

Corporate Sponsor of UN WFP Walk the World 2019.

WFP Walk the World, a charity walk in support of the UN WFP school meals project, was held on May 12, 2019, in Yokohama, and May 26, 2019, in Osaka.

A total of 204 employees and family members from across Japan participated in the event, raising a total of \163,840. Around 5,400 children received school meals through the funds raised. School meals not only improve children’s nutrition and health but also can lead to better attendance and grades, providing a strong incentive for families to send their children to school every day. In support of the objectives of the UN World Food Programme, we have been a sponsor of WFP Walk the World since 2016. The donations received will help save people around the world from starvation.

Previous Walk the World Events

Participation date Number of participating Chori employees
May. 13, 2018 (Sun) Yokohama
May. 27, 2018 (Sun) Osaka
May. 14, 2017 (Sun) Yokohama
May. 28, 2017 (Sun) Osaka
May. 15, 2016 (Sun) Yokohama
May. 29, 2016 (Sun) Osaka


Sponsorship of the 2018 Hansa Class World and International Championship

Chori sponsored the 2018 Hansa Class World and International Championship, a race held for Hansa yachts, which are designed on the principles of universal design. 2018’s race was held in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan—the first time an Asian country has hosted the event. Hansa yachts can be easily operated by anyone, and we made a donation to this event in support of the purpose of this championship, which is to realize a society in which people live together in harmony with respect for one another’s personalities and individuality regardless of ability or disability.

Date of donation Recipient of donation How the donation was used
Oct. 2018 Hansa Class World and International Championships Advertising sponsorship, advertisement on sails and boats during race

Relief activities for the July 2018 torrential rain disaster

Chori made a donation via the Japanese Red Cross Society for the damage caused by torrential rain in Western Japan in July 2018.

Date of donation Recipient of donation How the donation was used
Jul. 2018 Japanese Red Cross Society Donation for the July 2018 torrential rain disaster