Privacy Policy

CHORI CO., LTD. (hereinafter “the Company”) recognizes that information has become increasingly important in a highly information-oriented society, while recognizing that specific information such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers, whereby a living individual can be identified (hereinafter “Personal Information”) must be handled properly, and therefore, the Company strives for the appropriate use and protection of Personal Information pursuant to the following basic policies.

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

When collecting Personal Information, the Company endeavors to specify the purpose thereof and to use fair means in obtaining Personal Information. When using Personal Information, the Company will use Personal Information limiting to the purpose listed below, and will not use beyond the scope of the purpose of use without obtaining the consent of the relevant customer. In addition, the Company will strive to keep Personal Information accurate and up to date, and delete Personal Information without delay when it becomes unnecessary within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Purpose of Use
  1. 1To respond to inquiries and opinions submitted to the Company
  2. 2To send samples, quotations, requests for materials, or other information
  3. 3To provide information on exhibitions, briefing sessions, study tours, and seminars
  4. 4To request participation in marketing surveys and questionnaires
  5. 5To form and execute contracts and manage other transactions
  6. 6To contact and to provide notification/greeting based on social practices
  7. 7To decision of adoption/non-adoption of job applicants, to provide corporate information and make necessary contacts to job applicants and prospective employees
  8. 8To implement procedures prescribed in laws
Purpose of Use of Shareholder Information

Shareholders’ personal information is used for the following purposes.

  1. 1To exercise rights and fulfill obligations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
  2. 2To provide various benefits to shareholders
  3. 3To implement various measures to deepen understanding of the Company’s business and maintain smooth relationships between shareholders and the Company
  4. 4To manage shareholders by such means as preparing shareholder data based on the designated standards under applicable laws and regulations

2. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company does not disclose personal information to third parties without prior consent, except in the following cases. In the event that we consign duties to other business operators in accordance with 5. Disclosure of Personal Information below, the Company will conduct the necessary and appropriate supervision over said business operators to ensure the safe management of personal information.

  1. 1When complying with laws and regulations.
  2. 2When disclosure is necessary for the protection of human life, human health, or property and it is difficult to obtain consent of the individual concerned.
  3. 3When disclosure is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and when it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual concerned.
  4. 4When it is necessary to cooperate with a national government agency, local government body, or person entrusted with duties by the aforementioned in performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when obtaining the consent of the individual concerned will impede the execution of such affairs.
  5. 5When the Company provides personal information to another business operator in connection with the consignment of duties to said business operator within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use described above in 1. Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information.
  6. 6When providing personal information to the parties listed in the 3. Joint Use of Personal Information section below.

3. Joint Use of Personal Information

The Company may share personal information with Group companies in Japan for the purposes of use mentioned above in 1. Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information. The scope of Chori Group companies in Japan can be viewed by following the Major Subsidiaries link below. The items of personal information to be shared are as follows and do not include personal identification numbers. The Company shall be responsible for the handling of such personal information in the case of the abovementioned joint use.

Information Subject to Joint Use
company name, organization, position, name, address, phone number, e-mail address
Scope of Joint Users

4. Security Measures

To manage and handle Personal Information of customers securely, the Company will take reasonable and appropriate security measures to prevent risks, such as unauthorized outside access to and loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of Personal Information.
For this purpose, the Company will take measures such as the following:

  • Assignment of a general manager for the protection of Personal Information
  • Assignment of an information management representative in divisions that handle personal information
  • Raising awareness among employees of information security-related matters

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

When the Company receives a request from a principal whose personal data are held by the Company regarding such as the notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and deletion of Personal Information (hereinafter “Disclosure, etc.”), the Company will respond to such request as follows:

Method of Acceptance of and Responses to Request for Disclosure, etc.
When a customer wants to request Disclosure, etc. of his/her Personal Information, he/she shall submit to the Company by mail a copy of his/her personal identification documents (driver’s license, passport, etc.) at the following address, or contact the Company at the designated e-mail address attaching his/her personal identification documents.
Please note that the Company will not return personal identification documents, but will carefully destroy or dispose of such documents in accordance with sufficient security measures.
In addition, the Company will be unable to respond to customer requests directly if the customer comes to our office.
Service Charge

For the following requests, please enclose postage stamps to cover the costs of general registered mail.

  1. 1Notification of the purpose of use of Personal Information
  2. 2Disclosure of Personal Information

For outstanding service charges or if postage stamps are not enclosed, the Company will send the documents, but the postage is to be paid by the addressee upon delivery.

Disclosure of Personal Information

In the cases set forth below, the Company will not respond to a request for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information:

  1. 1Cases in which the personal identification of a principal cannot be confirmed (For a request made by an agent, cases in which it is impossible to confirm proxy);
  2. 2Cases in which the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of a principal or third party may be endangered;
  3. 3Cases in which the proper conduct of business operations of the Company and Chori Group may be seriously disrupted; or
  4. 4Cases in which such Disclosure, etc. is apparently in violation of laws or regulations and contrary to public order and morality, and lacks social appropriateness.

6. Use of cookies

We use cookies on some of our pages to better understand how our website is being used.
Cookies are small files used by web servers to save browsing information, allowing websites to remember your device, browser preferences, and associated online activity. Cookies do not save personal information. It is also possible to disable cookies by changing your browser’s settings, but please note that if you do so, you will not be able to use some of the features of this website.

7. Use of Google Analytics

We may use Google Analytics to monitor the use of our website. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information about access to our website without personally identifying the user. The methods and mechanisms for collecting access information is outlined in the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy, which can be found below.

8. Inquiries

For any inquiries or complaints regarding the Company’s use of personal information, please contact us using the information below.
Please note that we are unable to respond to requests made in person at our offices.

Mailing Address Human Resources & General Affairs Dept., CHORI CO., LTD.
Tower C, Shinagawa Intercity, 15-3, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6216, Japan
Telephone No. (81)3-5781-6203 (Human Resources & General Affairs Dept., Tokyo Head Office)
(81)6-6228-5115 (Human Resources & General Affairs Dept., Osaka Head Office)
E-mail Address

9. Others

  • The Company will comply with the applicable laws and regulations relating to Personal Information of customers.
  • The Company may revise the policy for the protection of Personal Information to better protect Personal Information of customers.
  • The Company disclaims any responsibility for ensuring the security of Personal Information of customers used on third party websites that are linked to the website of the Company including affiliated companies’ websites.