IR Policy
The Company's investor relations policy is to provide information on the Company's business strategies, finances, and other investor relations-related matters in a fair and accurate manner.
1. Basic Stance on Information Disclosure
The Company will disclose information in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the timely disclosure rules set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, while striving to give equal access to such disclosures to all market participants.
2. Information Disclosure Methods
Information will be disclosed via TDnet, a service provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, through publication to the media through the various press clubs that operate in stock markets on which the Company is listed, and by posting on the Company's website. The Company also provides reports to our shareholders to update them on the Company's business development activities.
3. Forward-Looking Statements
The information disclosed may contain forward-looking statements such as financial forecasts. Such forward-looking statements are made using information available at the time of publication and are based on certain assumptions. Actual results may therefore differ materially from forward-looking statements, depending on global affairs, economic conditions, and other future shifts in the business environment. For this reason, it is recommended that prospective and existing investors refrain from relying solely on forward-looking statements.
4. Investor Relations Quiet Period
The Company has designated the three-week period prior to each announcement date for its quarterly and full-year financial results as a “quiet period,” during which it refrains from commenting or responding to inquiries regarding its financial results and from holding individual meetings. However, should an event occur during this period that requires timely disclosure, we will follow the prescribed procedures and make announcements as appropriate.